CSRF Threats: Protecting Your Data

Most of us are aware of the blatant attempts to take control of our computers such as pop up ads and emails from those we don’t know but every so often there is a massive worm or hacker scare. It becomes apparent when these events occur how little we know about our electronic defenses and what to look out for. By understanding even a small percentage of these types of attacks, we can be more aware and prepare for their eventual appearance. XSS or Cross-site scripting is the most common form. Typically found in web applications, XSS is responsible for about eighty-four percent of all security vulnerabilities (according to Symantec). Cross-site scripting allows attackers to inject client-side scripts into web pages which are viewed, essentially completely unnoticed. Perhaps an even greater threat is the frequently overlooked and therefore more covert CSRF (Cross Site Request Forgery). Due to the attention received by XSS attacks, CSRFs have become more attractive to those desiring to ob...