Interview with poet Marc Frazier

Marc Frazier has widely published poetry in journals including The Spoon River Poetry Review, ACM, Good Men Project, f(r)iction, Slant, Permafrost, Plainsongs, and Poet Lore. He has had memoir published in Gravel, Autre, The Good Men Project, decomP, and forthcoming in Evening Street Review and Cobalt Review. He is the recipient of an Illinois Arts Council Award for poetry and has been featured on Verse Daily. His book The Way Here and his two chapbooks are available on Amazon as well as his second full-length collection Each Thing Touches which has been widely and favorably reviewed. He just finished a book-length memoir titled WITHOUT. We have conducted an interview with him. What are the key differences between writing poetry and memoir? A friend and editor told me when I began writing memoir to "get rid of that poetry voice." It was a big challenge to find the right consistent voice for the memoir. I did weave some of my poetry into the story of my life. Somet...