Why Bedroom Colors Have A Psychological Effect On Us
Most people won't need a lot of persuasion to be convinced that the colors of their bedrooms have a effect on their mental state. And if you are not a believer yet, just paint your bedroom jet black and you should be able to experience the negative effects it would have on your mood within a week of sleeping in it. There are basically two categories of colors that interior designers classify into when selecting colors for a room. Warm and cool colors. Warm colors stilmulate the mind and are most appropriate for places where people often gather for activities. This is why they are great for common spaces such as the living room. It is also why we often see event spaces where people rent for parties painted with colors like bright yellow or orange. These warm colors help to keep the energy vibrant. Enticing people to get into the mood of taking part in activities. Cool colors help to relax the mind and are suitable for bedrooms ...