The Moose Method
Moose from New York runs a website that contains blogs on Relationship Advice for Men. We have conducted an interview with him: Do you really think women enjoys sex more than men? Why do you think so and how different do you think women are from men in this aspect to show their enjoyment? Women are more into quality as appose to quantity, men tend to want quantity over quality. Men are naturally imprinted to think of sex constantly which drives us to do all sorts of crazy things for sex, this is part of the reason why we have 7 billion people on this planet. Those two factors are important to understand because they can be easily be confused, because you enjoy something more often does not necessary means that you enjoy it more. The reason why I know women enjoy sex more is because they usually tend to make preparations such as removing body hair, fixing their hair, doing their nails and of course putting on sexy lingerie all leading up to th...