SP Rutledge on his first children's book King Camilla

The Crazy Mind spoke with author SP Rutledge about KING CAMILLA , his first children's book released on July 11 on AmazonBook and the author’s website . King Camilla delivers a message of hope for all kids faced with obstacles to achieve their dreams. KING Camilla is the first book in a series of three. Here is what SP had to say. Why did you craft this character, "Princess Camilla"? I needed a passionate main character who knew what they wanted to be from a young age, and a Latina Princess was a perfect fit. Camilla knows what her dream is and goes after it wholeheartedly! I also took this as an opportunity to write for underrepresented characters. I can't name many Latina and brown Princesses. I was so lucky to see myself represented in so many different heroes while I was growing up. I think every child should have the same experience that I did. My book intends to reverse this underrepresentation trend. What is the key theme of your story? Fo...