Shaq Gets Hired By Papa John's As A Director And Marketing Figurehead

Papa John's, one of the United States' largest pizza delivery chains, recently brought retired basketball star and current National Basketball Association analyst Shaquille O'Neal on board as its brand ambassador. O'Neal will also serve the company as one of its directorial board's figureheads. Shaquille O'Neal, better known as Shaq, Big Diesel, or Shaq Diesel, was hired to the pair of positions just yesterday. The company announced via a press release that it had come to terms with Shaq via a contract worth $8.25 million. Shaq's contract isn't finalized yet, though it is slated to last three years. He will be paid via a mixture of stock in the company and cash, though company executives stated that his image isn't likely to be used in advertising or marketing materials until the third or fourth quarter of 2019. O'Neal is proud to serve Papa John's as the first Black director on its board of directors. Just short of two years...