Broken Revelations - interview with author Albert Scott

Albert Scott is a 31-year-old who is pursuing his dream of writing novels, and after being rejected and ignored by dozens of literary agents, he decided to take the self-publishing route to introduce his book the Broken Revelations Universe to the world. We have conducted an interview with him. What is the setting of 'Broken Revelations'? Why 'horseman rising'? I have made my hometown of Denver the setting of Broken Revelations: Horseman Rising for one somewhat petty reason: I am tired of reading stories where all the world altering events happening either in New York or Los Angeles, so I wrote a story of a world changing event that takes place in my hometown that takes route that readers will find surprising and enjoy. As far as naming the first volume of the Broken Revelations series it was effortless once I finished writing it the protagonist discovers that he’s a horseman of the apocalypse and the question is can he rise to the challenges that he w...