Interview with Reiki and Seichem Master Healer Ghairo

Ghairo is a Reiki and Seichem Master Healer. She also studied several other Healing Arts including Crystal Healing and Kundalini Yoga. Professionally she worked in the fields of Information Management, Organisational Development and was a highly respected political activist in South Africa during the Anti-Apartheid struggle. For her political activities in student, youth, women and community organisation, Ghairo was imprisoned and tortured in Solitary Confinement by the Apartheid Government. She currently uses her extensive experience with people management combined with deep intuition to aid human evolution, specifically Inner Transformation, on a one on one basis as well as with small groups. Ghairo has written numerous poems both channelled by Spirit, as well as based on intuitive insights into human drama. She believes her poems are tools to aid the release of that which needs to leave the unconscious realms. Since Ghairo believes music is a crucial soul language, she intends put...