Jimmy Stice Explains the Vision for Kalu Yala
Jimmy Stice is an environmental businessman who has been in the public eye over the past few years for his creation of Kalu Yala . Located in the heart of Panama's never-ending forests, this village was established to demonstrate sustainability and modern construction methods. Driven by a young workforce from all over the world, Mr. Stice's project gained momentum as soon as he presented it to potential sponsors. Due to a detailed plan of action and undeniable passion, he was able to persuade large entities like Affordable Permanence and Studio Sky to help jump-start the financing. Now, after his endeavors were televised and many magazines featured his success, Stice continues to improve the village by adding many state-of-the-art tools for the locals to use. Can you explain where the workforce for Kalu Yala comes from? So, we do all of our marketing with full-time students and young adults in mind. The reason behind this is the fact that we are in need of people w...