Shan Malik - From Entrepreneur to Entertainer

Shan Malik , the Entrepreneur and the diligent young man has recently opened up about himself and gave his fans an insight to his wonderful, hard-working personality. Very well-known in the industry by his character which is full of entertainment and love for others, he has yet again proved himself of being someone, the wondrous youth could look up to. The exchange of conversation between the two had been thoroughly interesting and the words echoed of the hard work and effort that Mr. Malik puts into his business and career. Some of the notable question and answers had been: "How do you judge your path from being an entrepreneur to an entertainer? What were your challenges?" [Shan]: "When you really want to become a person of your dreams, the path is never easy. It is not only tiring; it is very twisted and complicated. Often we do not even have the clear vision to what our struggles are leading us to. Entrepreneurship was the base to the goals I had set for m...