SimpliTeach - interview with Dr. Liz Hardy on online teaching

Tonight our guest is Dr. Liz Hardy, the founder of . Liz helps online teachers overcome what she calls the Big Hairy Beasts of the job. She believes the secret is to work smarter rather than harder, and she shares many ways of doing just that. We have conducted an interview with Liz. Your mantra is “helping teachers work smarter rather than harder”. How did that come about? Online teachers are often dealing with much bigger classes than in face-to-face teaching. The higher student numbers mean there’s a lot more work to grade, and a never-ending flood of student emails to answer. If you don’t have some solid strategies in place for handling these challenges, pretty soon you’re completely swamped. It feels like you’re being swept away in a tidal wave of work that’s much more powerful than you are! So it’s my mission to help online teachers deal with overwhelm and overwork, and find smart ways to get those endless, crashing waves of work back unde...