International visual artist Jimmy Reagan
Jimmy Reagan is an international visual artist who has been creating artwork since 2009. Born in St. Paul, Minnesota in 1993, the once healthy and chatty toddler, lost his words and fell into illness. Shortly thereafter, Jimmy was diagnosed with Regressive Onset Autism and Mast Cell Disease. In 2009 after being homebound due to severe illness, Jimmy found his voice. It would not be a verbal voice. It would be a visual voice illustrating his view of the world through art. Jimmy’s mother, Peg Schneeman Reagan, made note cards of Jimmy’s drawings as a thank you for his doctors. The next thing they knew, Jimmy’s artwork and view point would gather international recognition. While Jimmy cannot have a conversation with you, Peg share his story and creates context for his work. While Jimmy lives with autism and serious health issues, he is not defined by these diagnosis. He is first and foremost an artist. Peg and Jimmy’s Dad, Brian, co-founded the University of Minnesota Aut...