Understanding Different Types of Small Business Loans
It’s a well-known fact that small business owners struggle to secure funding from traditional lenders. In fact, More often than not, banks are hesitant to lend to small businesses because of certain risks associated with small businesses (i.e. lack of collateral, less profit on smaller loans, lack of credit history, etc.). Fortunately, banks aren’t the only source of additional working capital. Alternative lenders offer small business loans to small businesses. The qualifications and the requirements are less stringent than banks, so there’s a great chance you’ll qualify for a loan. If you’re looking to apply for small business term loans, it’s best to understand different financing options. 1. Business Line of Credit If you’re looking for flexibility, you might want to look into a business line of credit (LOC) . It’s the most useful type of loan for small business owners since it can be used as an emergency fund, working capital, supplies, and inventory, etc. Wit...