The Name Changer
Sandra Eichner is extremely creative and intelligent. While she is apprehensive to boast about this, she will admit it when pressed. Her successful career in Germany as a Senior Copywriter working with domestic and international clients like Mercedes-Benz, Google, and Lamborghini, followed by a move to the U.S. to work on global giants like American Airlines, Infiniti, adidas Golf and a multitude of others have vetted her preeminence in the field. Still, one of the greatest indicators of her aforementioned attributes is ingenuity. Proof of Eichner’s possession of this is found in her work on “The Name Changer.” This may be the most clever and benevolent use of social media to date. Working for socially conscious and proactive client Deutsches Kinderhilfswerk /German Children's Aid, Sandra was inspired to come up with The Name Changer. This campaign and movement literally transformed the culture and, even if the effect may not be permanent, it set the template for the possibility o...