MIKE RICH is promoting a VERY timely program series online titled NEW YEAR SUCCESS designed to motivate people, get them excited and focused on their goals for 2013~ and beyond. We have conducted an interview with him: What is your aim with this project? The program interviews some the finest minds we have about motivation, the top experts who can give real world advice about achieving success in 2013. I enjoyed talking recently with both Les Brown and Brian Tracy who are best selling authors about goal setting. In fact, I recommend to everyone serious about their success in 2013 to sign-up for the course One of my goals is to become the new modern day Dick Clark/Guy Lombardo of New Year motivation and life success. I want to ask everyone to consider where they would like to be in their life a few years from now. Imagine it in all its detail and picture what your life could be like one year from now. How did you arri...