MiKADO Personal Styling

MiKADO is a full service Personal Styling firm handling all shopping and fashion needs of busy men and women who value well kept wardrobes. We have conducted an interview with their Senior Personal Stylist Stephanie Holland. In your opinion what is personal styling and what are the common misconceptions? Personal styling is essentially having your wardrobe and day-to-day image outsourced to a professional. It is the understanding that for whatever reason (typically lack of time, interest or skill) you are unable to effectively execute your wardrobe goals and would benefit from putting this area of your life in the hands of someone who has a strategic and calculated approach to maintaining your closet and your unique personal image. For us, personal styling is all encompassing which means we take care of every aspect that relates to fashion on behalf of our clients. We learn what they like and dislike, what they seek to achieve through their image, we shop on their be...