LEE CLEMENT ART - interview
In a fresh mix of several medias such as acrylics, spray paints, oil and charcoal, Lee, a Lebanese artist , based in Montpellier - South of France, has a very unique way of expressing herself through color. Her work comes from a rich tapestry of her own life moods and experiences and is peppered with her fascination of science, nature, philosophy, music and astronomy. Besides visual arts, Lee writes in French, English and Arabic and has started blogging last month about art, science and almost everything she’s passionate about on Niume.com . Self taught/ art school? Self taught. I have no formal art education. My work is is eclectic, intuitive and extremely versatile. I really enjoy the freedom of the process. Paintings often start as one thing and end up as something totally different. Part of me likes clean work but mostly I function with chaos and mess. Tell us a little about yourself. How did you get started and what made you want to become an artist? I have always ...