Three Leaves - interview with author Steven LaVey

Today our guest is Steven LaVey , a writer from Newcastle upon Tyne in the north east of England. We have conducted an interview with him about his newly released book, ‘Three Leaves'. Who should read 'Three Leaves'? What is it about? Three Leaves is work of romance/biographical fiction. The novel is in the first person, and is set in the years 2001-2004 in my home city of Newcastle upon Tyne. The protagonist is a fictionalised version of my nineteen-year-old, naïve self, and the work documents his struggles to come to terms with his life after fledging the nest from an overbearing, dominant mother. The novel splits into three sections – or leaves – each one concerning a relationship, and how those relationships fall away from the protagonist. Two of those relationships are romantic, while one is platonic, although it may be up to the reader to decide (especially in the last part of the book) who the third leaf actually is as all sections contain romantic l...