Interview with creative business advisor Pete Mosley

Pete Mosley is a creative business advisor, coach and trainer who delivers courses, talks and workshops on confidence, self-promotion and the business of creativity. A renowned speaker, he's also a contributor to Cambridge University's Queens Young Leaders programme. Pete is the author of two successful books, the latest being The Art of Shouting Quietly – A Guide to Self-Promotion for Introverts and Other Quiet Souls . This text is perfect for those shy and quieter types who struggle with their own marketing. It aims to help introverts to find success on their own terms, boost their confidence, get a clear sense of direction, overcome barriers and connect effectively with others. We have conducted an interview with Pete. You have a very interesting perspective. What inspires you to write for those shy and quieter types who struggle with their own marketing? I write about these subjects because, in truth, I’ve struggled with the same things myself. I was a shy child...