Interview with creative business advisor Pete Mosley

Pete Mosley is a creative business advisor, coach and trainer who delivers courses, talks and workshops on confidence, self-promotion and the business of creativity. A renowned speaker, he's also a contributor to Cambridge University's Queens Young Leaders programme. Pete is the author of two successful books, the latest being The Art of Shouting Quietly – A Guide to Self-Promotion for Introverts and Other Quiet Souls. This text is perfect for those shy and quieter types who struggle with their own marketing. It aims to help introverts to find success on their own terms, boost their confidence, get a clear sense of direction, overcome barriers and connect effectively with others. We have conducted an interview with Pete.

You have a very interesting perspective. What inspires you to write for those shy and quieter types who struggle with their own marketing?

I write about these subjects because, in truth, I’ve struggled with the same things myself. I was a shy child, held back by two painful and recurrent illnesses. As a result I was socially awkward and had to learn how to push myself forward. I learned some vital stuff the hard way.

A lot of the people I work with are really brilliant at what they do, and may understand what they should be doing in terms of marketing and self-promotion, but lack confidence or feel cautious about blowing their own trumpet. Or they find the whole marketing thing a bit distasteful. It’s quieter folk I specialise in working with because I have first-hand knowledge of the situation they are in.

How long did you take to conceptualise, write and publish The Art of Shouting Quietly?

For me, the process began by collecting ideas and concepts that related to the central theme of the book. I tested these via social media, and in my talks and training. I then refined them into blog posts. Over time these blog posts formed the core of the book.

Then the hard part – the compiling of the book and the editing – began. Over the years I have collected together a valuable group of ‘critical friends’ who read things or evaluate ideas and give me feedback. They are briefed to be honest – to shoot from the hip - as it were! They help me take the raw ideas and knock them into shape. This can be painful, but it’s a godsend.

For The Art of Shouting Quietly, this whole process took just under two years.

What is your key aim for your books and resources?

My key aim is to create movement for people. To get them to a place where they feel they can really shine, despite their lack of confidence, shyness or state of quietness. Often the first thing is for people to realise they are not alone. People often say ‘This book could have been written for me!’ The next stage is to help people get to grips with their many positive qualities and strengths. I encourage individuals to explore what will become their framework of possibility, then to make concrete plans and take action.

In addition to the books, I have designed and illustrated a set of cards that are designed to prompt creative thinking and help people set useful goals. The Art of The Possible cards are used by creatives and coaches looking for inspiration for themselves and when working with their clients.

What topics do you speak about at workshops, courses and talks?

I have become known as a specialist in working with quiet people, so it’s no surprise that my talks and workshops reflect that.

I talk and run workshops around the main themes of The Art of Shouting Quietly – a guide to self-promotion for introverts and other quiet souls. I also deliver talks and run master classes for coaching professionals where I share my ideas and observations on working with quiet people. Quietness of course, is not simply to do with shyness or introversion. We are, or become, quiet for a huge number of different reasons – illness, pain, bereavement, separation and a whole host of other triggers. It can take time to rebuild.

I’ve gathered together a range of tools and techniques that I find particularly useful – especially working with images and metaphor. Quiet people often find themselves to be a bit tongue-tied – they struggle to put their thoughts into words. By using pictures, ideas come to light, which can then articulated and explored and in a different way. This can be liberating.
My talks and workshops explore and share these tools and my experience of working with them.

Where do you contribute your ideas and expertise?

I speak and run workshops in a surprising variety of settings. For example, I’m talking and running workshops about Shouting Quietly for The Happy Startups Summer Camp – an international event for purpose led entrepreneurs, running a series of interlinked sessions for the London Creative Network on a similar theme and running a masterclass on working with Quiet People at the West Midlands Employer’s Forum Coaching Conference.

No two workshops or talks are ever the same – I customise them specifically for each audience. I travel widely and work virtually, crossing borders and time zones. My books and resources are read and used across the globe.

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