Neighborhood of Dreams - interview with author LazRael Lison
Today our guest is LazRael Lison, author of " Neighborhood of Dreams ". We have conducted an interview with him. So, LazRael Lison, you’re originally from Little Rock, Arkansas? I’ve never been there. Yep. Winchester and Little Rock . So what was life like growing up in the south? I’m sure it was much different than the life you’re accustom to living now. Totally. But I’m so appreciative of my southern roots because it’s made me the man I am today. We grew up in a two-bedroom mobile home with about nine people living in it. No lie. Wow! When I look back, that was the greatest thing ever happen to me, because I learned to be happy with very little. I never knew we were close to the poverty line. I think when your around people you love and that love you, it somehow overshadows the lack of everything else when you’re a child. However, that’s where the dreams started. Speaking of Dreams. Let us jump right into this book, “Neighborhood of Dreams...