Interview with James Virgil Boggs

Tonight our guest is James Virgil Boggs, a Christ Follower, Husband, Rap Artist, Blogger. James is also bringing Awareness to Potter's Syndrome. We have conducted an interview with him.

When was the toughest and most challenging period in your life?
By far the most challenging times of my life, was the first part of 2014 when my wife Sydney and I lost our first child to a miscarriage. We found out at 10 weeks. It was very sudden news because we found out via an ultrasound. Sydney’s body had not fully recognized that the child had passed. We were told by the doctor that she had experienced a “silent or missed miscarriage”. We had only been married one year and found out one day after my 26th birthday. I was preparing for a mission trip to Ecuador for 2 weeks, which happened to be on our first anniversary. The month before the trip was full of much grief, prayers, and tears. After I returned to the United States, we received counseling that was set up by one of our Pastors.

We both bounced back and by January 2015, found out we were pregnant again. We had a scare early on, but everything was going smoothly, until our 20 week ultrasound. We went in thinking we would know the gender, but found out that our child was not developing properly and it appeared vital organs had not developed when they should have, as well as low amniotic fluid. Weeks later we saw a specialists, who also came to the same conclusion. Through blood work we found out it was a boy. We were told our child had not developed kidneys and the lungs were very small. We were also given the option of abortion because the chances of our son surviving was very small. We decided to continue the pregnancy and at 37 weeks, Drexel Lee Boggs was taken via C-Section. He weighed just over 3 pounds. A Neonatologist was able to determine that Drexel had “Potter’s Syndrome” and cautioned us that he only had a short time to live. Drexel got to spend 10 hours with family and friends before He was called to Heaven. Sydney was released from the hospital and we were quickly faced with preparing a funeral service for our son. One week later, we had the most beautiful service for Drexel and we made a declaration to our community and social media that no matter what, we chose to give life as long as we could, that we would love Drexel no matter what developed or didn’t develop and that our Faith in Christ Jesus would be put on display. As anyone can imagine, this was extremely difficult as a young 20-somethings couple who had once again lost a child, but God proved faithful to us and put others in our path to help us make it through another trial.

Which are the ways that you have tried to overcome them? Which has been the most effective?
The biggest way I personally have been able to overcome the trials, is through prayer. When I say prayer, I mean deep conversation with God. God is My Father in Heaven in whom I tell how I am truly feeling. I never hid my anger, frustrations, tears or questions through the whole situation. I felt I could lay it all on the line. When I was on my knees begging for God to spare Drexel and my family of such pain and anguish, He simply responded with “Do you trust me”, in which I responded I have no choice. Even though things didn’t go the way I wanted them, He proved faithful. I am here today discussing these things on Social Media. I never once buried my head in the sand. I persevered for the sake of making Jesus famous. Another way I cope with life’s heartaches is by riding my bike. I live in Northwest Arkansas, so I am able to enjoy some of the best bike trails in the U.S. It is so great to load my bike up and go ride for an hour or so. Very healthy and enjoyable. Vocally I believe I need to express myself as well. That is where my passion for Hip Hop comes in. I have been in the Rap scene for 15 years. I have my own recording studio at my house, so when I feel I need to release frustrations, I just go up there and record. Its very therapeutic.

Which genre of music do you like the most?
Hip Hop has been the biggest influence on my life, because its poetry, mixed with hot beats. I have been able to record several singles, host mix-tapes, release my own mix-tapes and an EP. I have also collaborated with artists like Jelly Roll, Krooked C, David Ray and Robbie Phillips aka Stump of the group I4NI who are singed to Average Joe’s Entertainment out of Nashville, Tennessee. Through those relationships I built out of social media, I was able to link up with Bubba Sparxxx and DJ Strizzo in Springfield, MO. I consider them brothers now, and even Bubba showed love on his Facebook page for my family when Drexel passed away. Music has been very good to me as an individual and its something I do on my own terms.

What are your future plans?
My latest single was released onto all major digital distribution outlets last year. It is titled “Winner” by Hunter Fuse, Virgil Boggs and David Ray (I4NI, Dammit Boy Entertainment). Until the past week, I had not recorded anything, but I am soon to be doing more in the studio as I plan on speaking more about the past 2 years through Hip Hop. I am also going to be blogging more, so all updates will go through

How does bringing awareness to Potter’s Syndrome become useful information?
Potter’s Syndrome isn’t spoken of very much. There is very little research being done and it's manly through donations made to the University of Iowa. Most families find out about it and are told chances of survival are zero percent, so abortions usually take place. We want to let others know that even though you will experience deep emotional pain, the joy of being with your child for as long as you can, will stay with you forever. We want others to know just how important that little life is in the eyes of our Creator, God.

How do you plan to execute it?
Our main outreach is through That will redirect to our Facebook page in memory of our son, Drexel Lee Boggs. We try to respond to every message from moms who are concerned about what to do next, how to handle it and give them a community of others who have gone through the loss of a child through Potter’s Syndrome. Google has some good resources for knowing about P.S, but we want to personally be able to reach out. We have also created t-shirts and magnets in honor of Drexel and Potter’s Syndrome Awareness. All of our links are on our Facebook Page. My wife Sydney has been amazing at reaching out and building relationships with moms all over the world just in the past year. I am blown away and very proud of her. One family in our church has also set up a memorial fund to provide funding to children in Guatemala during their annual VBS Mission Trips.

What kind of skills do you possess on the social media marketing front?
I have been using Social Media really since the days of MSN Messenger, Yahoo Messenger, early Facebook years, my time as a web designer. I have taken it up on a notch manly over the past 5 years as a way to promote music through Facebook, Twitter, Blog sites like my own and my newly created website , which can be followed on Twitter @nwapromo and @communitshare. You can also follow my personal page @jboggs222. CommunitShare has become my baby as far as Social Media Marketing and Content Creation. It truly is a “Community for Sharing Social Media Marketing / Content Marketing”. I created out of a love for bringing new ideas to the web, as well as networking with like-minded individuals. This past week, I was reached out to by the creator of CopyMatter. We are going to link up through his own expertise. I also use latest technology like my iPad and Smartphone for creating content like Podcasts, Graphics, Blog Posts and sharing about new products I purchase. I am always learning new ways of doing S.M.M , especially though tools like HootSuite.

Thank you for the interview and allowing me to share my story. Feel free to connect with me on Twitter @jboggs222 or

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