A Decidedly Unique Cultural Perspective: Outdooring’s Andy Shen
The intersection of a Venn diagram is where the commonality is found of the different subsets. This is the connection in which the different parts relate. This is an appropriate metaphor for the work of editor Xiaoyao Shen (aka Andy Shen) on Outdooring . Director Maxwell Addae was fully aware that the film was relatable to a portion of the general public but he needed it to be also accessible to those who had no direct connection with the characters depicted in the story. Still, Addae was convinced that the proper editor would be able to grant insight from a perspective that was unfamiliar with the circumstances of the main character Kobby and those around him. After seeing Andy’s work on Armistice which clarified complex characters and arcs, the director was convinced that he’d found the ideal editor in Shen. This decision is vetted by Outdooring ’s win for Best Drama Short as well as a nomination for Shen’s editing (both for the International Film Awards) as well as a nomination at...