
Today our guest is Karikulturist from Bulgaria. He is unemployed in the eyes of law as he is striving to make Fiverr a full-time job in comic/caricature industry. We have conducted an interview with him. How did you first discover your talent in comic drawing and caricature cartoon drawing? Caricature drawing has actually been something that intrigued me since I was a little boy. Maybe 5 or 6 years old. Just like every little rascal at that age, I would wake up early on Saturdays just to watch Looney Tunes. But I wasn't just watching, I was questioning them - ''that's not a real rabbit; look at their face; why are their eyes so big; how did someone think of that; how did they draw that''. So at 8 years old, I made my very own sketch of my first comic - it illustrated ''The Tortoise and the Hare'' fable. How do you describe your cartoon drawing styles? - I've been blessed with a unique imagination, causing me to produce s...