Drive, Discovery
Ryan Hollatz is a 27 years old author from Phoenix, AZ. Ryan is a very imaginative person, easily getting lost in his own head with ideas. He has released his first book " Drive, Discovery " which is a sci-fi fantasy action adventure taking place in a technologically advanced world. What sort of imaginations do you have about the dialogue within your story? I picture devastating, emotional dialogue between my characters. Imagining crucial, powerful events and discovering how your characters would talk it out or problem solve around it is one of the most important things to me as a writer who primarily focuses on character development. To see a character start from point A and move all the way to point B, C, etc. is truly incredible. If I can’t personally believe that someone would act in a certain manner, I backtrack and go over it until it feels right. What kind of special powers are of an enhanced humanoid in your opinion? For me, an enhanced humanoid is a ...