The evolution of the shopping experience in the past ten years is virtually unfathomable. Even more astounding than this is the information and marketing that gives access to almost any product anywhere. Social Media may seem a bit “Big Brother” at times but it certainly knows what each of us like. At its most benevolent, SM allows us to find the things that we enjoy in life, both experiential and material, and helps us find things that complement our taste. In an ideal world, those who create meet those who seek via SM. Most of us have had the experience of searching on Instagram and coming across something we were not previously aware of but become taken with. There are individuals behind these companies and products and Gorkem Ciftci is one of the people who captured a lot of attention recently on Instagram. Gorkem was already full-time art director at Kollektif when they received a brief from a client who desperately needed an unconventional way to promote their new color sele...