Pop Goes The Poetry - interview with Ralph Watley

Ralph Watley is a 61 year-old poet, songwriter, and podcaster. He also is the author of Pop Goes The Poetry available at Amazon.com. We have conducted an interview with him.

What kind of music do you play on your show? Why did you choose this music?

I play most genres of music with the exception being the use of foul or abusive lyrics. I get most of my music from Airplay Direct a service used by stations to get new music.

What inspires you the most in songwriting?

My biggest inspiration in songwriting is failure. Because failure makes the world so real and to escape that reality I will write more songs.

How long have you been making the podcast?

I have been playing new Independent music for 7 years at www.blogtalkradio.com/xtrasound

Why did you want to write about emotions we go through in "Pop Goes The Poetry"?

Pop Goes The Poetry is revealing look at my life and thought. It's available at Amazon.com

Which do you prefer the most: writing songs, poetry or podcasting? 

I like writing songs and poetry but there is nothing like the feeling of playing new music and being heard around the world. I greatly enjoy helping those that put so much talent into their music. I have over 930 shows all free to listen to anytime.

More info:

Podcast: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/xtrasound
Twitter: https://twitter.com/radiowatley
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100010407275152

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