Positive Living Television

Aida Memisevic’s personal Executive Power-Coaching service supports entrepreneurs and top talent executives in leveraging their strengths, creating new performance tools, and optimizing their leadership abilities. We have conducted an interview with her:


How did you land yourself into this field and what do you like most about your specialty?

When I was in my early twenties I heard this amazing spoken word cassette tape recording by the famous radio voice Earl Nightengale. It was a message recording about an important success principle in life, called "the Strangest Secret", based on the idea that we become what we think about. It was a powerful message of possibility to create whatever you want in your life, and it started my journey of discovery into the personal development industry.

What has helped you to create an exceptional result?

I use many of the ideas I have learned from my studies over the years, and I continue to learn and "play" with new ideas. The most powerful discovery is that our success and happiness in life is a direct correlation to how well we direct our thoughts. Most people don't, they just let their brain run any way it wants. But to take control of your life and your results you have to purposefully direct your brain with intention. As a Executive Power Coach I help people to learn how to do this.

In your television series, you interviewed some very prominent authors and thought leaders, what are some of the best lessons you learned from them..? 

One thing in particular I remember when I interviewed Jack Canfield ( co-author Chicken Soup for the Soul) about his new book, he mentioned that the one important trait that all successful people had in all fields was persistence and a strong determination to keep going even through obstacles and failures. Again this goes back to our thought patterns and how we are running your brain... for persistance, or to give up easily..?

In your Executive Power Coaching program how do you help top talent executives leverage on their strengths?

My area of specialty is directed and intentional “thought mastery” one of the most critical components for success in all areas of life. Focusing on the inner game and how thought “direction” effects how we create extraordinary business results, powerful performance, personal happiness, and commanding confidence, I guide successful people to create even more outstanding results.

Why is 'thought mastery' important?

Thought mastery is so critical because thoughts effect our emotions, the meanings we create in life and our perception of reality. If you have a belief that was handed down by your father to you that says you are not good enough, that belief is a set of thoughts will become your reality and everything you do in life will be skewed through the looking glass of "I'm not good enough", and it will effect everything in your life.

Who would benefit most from hiring you as their Executive Power Coach?

I work mostly with people who have achieved a certain level of success, and they want to continue to improve their performance and experiences in life. Even superstar performers experience blocks and challenges.Most successful people use mentors, guides or coaches to assist them in achieving their high performance goals. I have the ability to listen attentively, have frank no-nonsense discussions, while providing a safe, non-judgmental space for executives to be authentic and share their thoughts, fears and challenges. The self assurance of having a non-bias, confidential, sounding board and safe space to share thoughts, is critical to providing a powerful platform of well being, to support and drive high level performance.

As an experienced Television Executive, Marketing Entrepreneur and Sales Trainer, I am accustomed to the challenges of being in the fast paced business world, and I am able to assist entrepeneurs and executives in creative solutions thinking by engaging in provocative discussions that result in success.

I am work with people in person and through skype, they can contact me at info@positivelivingtv.com.

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