Interview with Reiki and Seichem Master Healer Ghairo

Ghairo is a Reiki and Seichem Master Healer. She also studied several other Healing Arts including Crystal Healing and Kundalini Yoga. Professionally she worked in the fields of Information Management, Organisational Development and was a highly respected political activist in South Africa during the Anti-Apartheid struggle. For her political activities in student, youth, women and community organisation, Ghairo was imprisoned and tortured in Solitary Confinement by the Apartheid Government. She currently uses her extensive experience with people management combined with deep intuition to aid human evolution, specifically Inner Transformation, on a one on one basis as well as with small groups. Ghairo has written numerous poems both channelled by Spirit, as well as based on intuitive insights into human drama. She believes her poems are tools to aid the release of that which needs to leave the unconscious realms. Since Ghairo believes music is a crucial soul language, she intends putting music to her poetry. She welcomes invitations and opportunities to read her poems.

What kind of music do you intend to put for CD production on your poetry?

My poetry focusses on human and personal evolution & the depths of human emotion as well as Life beyond the Veil. It contains a lot of how Divinity speaks to us through Nature. Classical, International and World music goes best with my message. I have a world-class classical composer who has offered to write music for some of my poems which he indicated reminded him of the emotions Wordsworth, Blake and Wiltman illicit. I personally adore the guitar, violin, and drums. I believe these instruments go well with the emotion and virtues contained in my poetry.

What other activities and where do you present your poetries?

I present my poems at large meetings, some of a political nature as my background is political activism. I also enjoy reading to smaller groups where a greater impact can be made at a deeper level. I have used my poems as tools to dive the depths of Inner Transformation work with clients wanting to evolve and make changes in their unconscious. This is when I work as a MasterHealer for which I received many years of training.

Do you also feature your work on Poetry Soup? Which is your favorite piece?

I posted a couple of poems on Poetry Soup, my Facebook pages and on my blogs. Nine of my poems on Forced Removals is due for publication in a District Six Stories Compilation. I wrote my first astounding piece at 12yrs called 'Life drained of Youth, Truth' which I sent to a national newspaper. The editor wrote back to say that it greatly impacted staff, but that it could not be published as it was too political for the time. It was later confiscated by the SA Security Police along with my earlier collections. It was never returned to me. We were at the time living under Apartheid. At the moment, my favourite poem is called THE GARDEN. It is a channeled piece depicting the Self as God-Goddess' Garden where everything exists inside of us. This is my primary message.

What are the effects of your poetry?

When read silently, most of my poetry needs reflection. When I read them aloud, it releases deep seated emotions within listeners, which is the intention as this opens the Heart for Pure Love to be released.

What inspires you the most? Where do you gain the most inspirations?

I am mostly inspired by Nature as She speaks to us through seasons and colours. I am also inspired by the open hearts of other people, which stimulates my mind to give word to feelings. Sometimes, I am blessed with Muses, who cross my path. When this happens, I become prolific in my writings.

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