Jeremy Larner of JKLWorlwide on Art that Pleases the Mind (and the pocketbook)

Jeremy Larner got his start with MTV’s hit show “Rob and Big” as Rob Dyrdek’s managing partner. Springboarding this early success; he became an angel investor with successful exits including Dollar Shave Club and Postmates. During this time, his love for art was cultivated. He now runs JKL Worldwide procuring contemporary art for investors.

How is your approach to art dealing different from that of your contemporaries?

Interaction with people is the foundation of what I do. Not unlike other types of sales oriented jobs, I believe that my primary objective is matching people with artwork that enriches their lives in one way or another. Beyond the potential financial gain of acquiring artwork, there are myriad other reasons that people collect art. For some it’s a form of supporting an artist whose career they truly believe in, for others they want to support a gallery program that they feel is of import, and for some others it’s for the pure aesthetic pleasure – none being more or less valid than the other.

What defines a great work of art?

I believe that each collector has slightly different motives for collecting art. Some want to install something of beauty in their home, for others it’s purely about the appreciation of value over time. In my estimation – and what I try and impart on my clients – is that a work of art can satisfy both of these criteria. First you will want to do your research, do you want to invest in an artist and contribute to the growth of his or her career? Or do you prefer to invest in an established artist whose track record and prices are consistent? While the former may seem more risky, the more research you conduct and the more information you have the better off you are.

Who are the artists that you have invested in most recently?

Some of the artists I have been keeping a close eye on recently are: George Condo, a long-time favorite of mine, Condo’s work keeps getting better over time. I also recently had the pleasure of meeting him at a fundraiser and he was gracious and kind.

George Condo, “Red Head”- 2012. Source:

Mark Bradford, is another American painter whose work has garnered quite a bit of attention over the past few years. His work is both subversive and purposeful as well as being aesthetically beautiful.

Mark Bradford “White Painting” – 2009. Source:

Another artist whose career I have been following closely is Cecily Brown, whose communicative and emotive faculties are virtually unparalleled. Early on Brown proved herself to be one of the foremost painters of her generation.

Cecily Brown, “Teenage Wildlife” -2003. Source:

How do you determine which artworks to purchase? 

There is a number of variables that go into every decision but ultimately, it’s the client’s final decision. First thing to consider is your budget, then whether you’re acquiring the piece for in home display or as a financial investment, and finally what your ultimate goal is for the acquisition (pass on to your children, sell for a profit, etc?). No matter what your ultimate goal is as a collector, there is always an artwork that can help you achieve your goals. There is always risk involved when you’re collecting art, but the best advice is to surround yourself with knowledgeable people with experience and integrity who can help steward your collection.

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