Indecisive Traveler
Rease Kirchner from St. Louis (Missouri) is a freelancer running a successful travel blog . We have conducted an interview with her. When you quit your good paying job, what were your first thoughts about forgoing the good salary? I knew it seemed irresponsible, but I had always been such a good saver. I had thousands saved up and I knew I could make it for awhile without a job. I just kept telling myself "Money alone doesn't make you successful, you need to be happy too" I wasn't ready to settle at the age of 22. Was there a time after you quit, that you feel insecure as a freelancer? When and how exactly did you overcome it? When I first went freelance, I obsessively checked job listings, handed out business cards, and marketed myself. I got several jobs right when I moved back to the US from Argentina, but I didn't feel like it was enough. After a couple months, I realized that the clients were coming in ju...