DemonTech Hosting

Magnus is 29 years old from Sweden. He is the CEO of DemonTech Hosting that provides High Qaulity hosting service worldwide with English and Swedish support. We have conducted a short interview with him:


In Sweden, what is the most important element in terms of quality in hosting services?
Robust Servers with good access time. And understanding Support.

What are your customers' expectations?
It varies, Some come to us for the outstanding support, And some for our High Quality servers.

How does your company help fulfill them?
We help our Clients get thier Goal or Dream come true.

What kind of value-added services do you render that makes you exceptional from your competitors?
We offer High Quality CDN Service with Free Setup. Instant account activation when payment is verified. Many unlimited features in Every Hosting plan. Security Cerificates for only $29.95/ per year. Script Installtions for only $39.95. Affordable Website Service with no monthly fees. Including Free SEO optimization. Domain Administration help. Free Domain Name Privacy Protection. Recurring commission affilate program. We own our Data Center.

Do you have testimonials from your clients that shows you provide a deeper level of care for your customers?
Yes on the websites right sidebar.

What do they normally say about your services?
They are happy with our service. The favor our friendliness.

With 3 short pointers, how would you summarize what you do best?
1.Help our Clients with Love.
2.Installning Scripts
3.Correct Server Issues.

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