Get my Mom a Job

Michele lives in Arizona. She started a company Get My Mom a Job which is a resource for Telecommute positions and is geared towards women who want a career, but still be able to be home with their family. We have conducted a short interview with her:


What was the inspiration behind Get My Mom a Job?

The inspiration behind Get My Mom a Job is really simple, it is the combination of all the experiences I have had. About 2 years ago, like a lot people, I was figuring out a way where I could help my family financially, and still have the balance and flexibility in life. So I set out to find a work from home job. Have you ever googled "work from home" before? There are millions upon millions of results. Here is the worst part none of them pertained to having a job that you could work from home. I have heard people for years talk about working from their company from their home office, yet I was never able to find any of those positions, where were they? How could I find them? I found the search so frustrating. It seemed the more I looked all I found were these "work from home business opportunity things", that wanted me to invest 1000's of dollars to try and build my own business. I just wasn’t interested in stuff like that. Those so called business opportunities are everywhere. All I wanted was to be able to find a job, with a real company that would pay me an hourly wage or salary. I couldn’t believe how difficult it was to actually find those companies and those jobs. So the inspiration for Get My Mom a Job was simple, I wanted to save probably the millions of people that are searching for the same thing, all the time, energy, and frustration I went through. Cause the reality of it, there are 1000's upon 1000's of jobs out there if you know where and how to find them.

What makes Get My Mom a Job unique?

Get My Mom a Job is incredibly unique, and probably one of a kind. I was determined to build a company that would offer people the exact thing they were looking for.

First, we have every listing in an easy to use format, in one place. Second, each Job on GET MY MOM A JOB will be guaranteed to have a Hourly Wage or Base Salary. It will be with a reputable company like Apple, U-Haul, or Teleflora. We have 100's of companies, that will be expanding into 1000's of companies. We have broken down all the jobs by the job type, and here is the best part. 99% of all the jobs will be telecommute! So not only will job seekers be able to find full-time or part-time work. Flex schedules. Hourly or Salary Pay. It will be telecommute. This will allow for all the flexibility that anyone will ever need in their job.

What can a job seeker hope to get out of working with Get My Mom a Job?

Job Seekers will know 100% they are looking at REAL JOBS. All of the companies listed on GET MY MOM A JOB have been throughly checked and ensured that they will offer employment exactly how they say employment will be offered. There will be no pay to work, business opportunity, or commission only positions. The overwhelming majority of people do not want that and that will not be on Get My Mom a Job. Second and it ties into our uniqueness as mentioned earlier, the Get My Mom a Job’s guarantee will be hourly or salary jobs, jobs with management opportunities, jobs with health benefits, part-time or full-time, or flex scheduling, while working from your home office!!

Now one of the important things that I have taken into consideration is this. Not all job seekers are created the same. Meaning, not all skill sets are the same. Not all experience levels are the same. So I have a huge wide range of jobs. Whether you have been working for the last 20 years and have a wealth of experience, or have been out of the workforce for the last ten years, there WILL be jobs there for everyone.

Also, Get My Mom a Job is not centered in one specific area. That way our database will appeal to almost every person, at every experience level, and every walk of life.

A job seeker will feel incredibly confident that we will have their job or their career waiting for them. In addition to the jobs, we also offer the most comprehensive resume and cover letter services online today. Again, like I said, not all job seekers and jobs for that matter are created equal. People have a very difficult time expressing their skill set, experience, work history, and accomplishments. When people have a difficult time with that, guess what, they may never even get the chance to interview. We have a solution for that as well. One of our Job Coaches will physically rewrite their resume and cover letter to get the job seeker the attention they need from the hiring manager. We are more than just a job provider or creator, we will help the job seeker through every part of the process. What more could ANY job seeker truly want?

Is this site for women only? Are there opportunities for men?

I get this question a lot. Here is the deal. is geared towards the female working professional, no question about that. It is geared towards stay at home moms, work at homes, or any women that would like to fins a real telecommute position. In fact anyone that has been on my site will tell you the same. I am very happy to announce that we will be launching very soon!! However, even though this site Get My Mom a Job was created by a woman, for women, we encourage men on this site until Get My Dad a Job is launched. Fact is the companies that we work with are for everyone!! Believe me companies will hire anyone equally if qualified. I chose Get My Mom a Job originally, because the whole site and whole company is solely based on my experiences. My trials. My frustration. Plus my success I have had in holding Telecommute Jobs. Obviously I feel that women can relate to me as a Wife, Mother, and a working professional.

What type of impact do you hope to have with your Company?

I hope we can have real impact. We already have had a real impact. The impact is putting people to work. People that are unemployed, under-employed, or unhappy. People that want more. Want more options. Want more freedom. I believe Get My Mom a Job is doing what people talk about doing, the difference is we are doing it! I have 100's of jobs, turning into 1000's of jobs here very, very, very soon. We are adding more companies every day. The impact that Get My Mom a Job can have on a family, can be extraordinary. Imagine, right now, whatever your situation is, it can be changed almost instantly. The impact is, there are jobs for the taking. No frustration. No wasted time. Real Jobs, Real Pay, and Real Solutions. Isnt that what people want? I think they do, and I think that is the impact we can have on them. Get My Mom a Job I guess is like our slogan, we put people to work, and that is our impact.

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