Loving Life Therapy

Yvonka De Ridder is a masters (MS) level marriage and family therapist intern in the state of FL. She is a specialist in marriage counseling, sex counseling, sexual trauma, divorce mediation, separation mediation, LGBT counseling, and life coaching. We have conducted an interview with her: 


What does the distance therapy includes? Why is it called Concierge Therapy?

Distance therapy can generally go hand in hand with Concierge Therapy if needed. However, they are also two separate packages, depending on what you need for therapy. Distance therapy can be priced per hour which include skype sessions or a phone sessions for those who aren't able to travel to the office or live in an outside city. Concierge therapy is more for clients who are in crisis or generally have more demanding needs. Concierge therapy is a monthly fee and this gives each client access to me throughout the business day and certain hours over the weekends through text, e-mail, or phone whenever they are in need. Generally when you have a therapist and you are in crisis it is protocol for the therapist to tell you to schedule an appointment and come in to discuss it. However, with concierge therapy the client gets priority appointments and the issue can be addressed immediately via phone, e-mail, or text.

Why did you choose clinical sexology as your doctorate specialization?

The story behind my decision to pursue clinical sexology is quite a long one. However, I'll make it short and sweet. I started out with a major in Criminology and a minor in Psych for undergrad with high intentions of becoming a serial killer profiler and/or working for police or FBI (this may even still be an option later on). I've always had an interest in human sexuality due to the influence sexual gratification has on the average serial killer. Once I started grad school, I quickly realized that I had a knack for couples and marital therapy and switched my focus. The strong interest in human sexuality never diminished and a Ph.D clinical sexology presented itself shortly after graduating with my M.S, so I pursued it full throttle. In addition, a lot of my work will be with sexual dysfunctions and sexual addiction which can still come in handy in any future work I may have with the FBI, police, or CIA.

What are your strengths?

I would say that some of my strengths include a natural ability to be empathetic and objective. I knew I was going to be a therapist or a psychologist ever since the first grade and have loved everything about it since then as well. I feel that due to my past experience growing up during apartheid in SA and also having the luxury of traveling a lot, I have a great ability towards understanding cultural diversity. Most importantly, I am a very "real" (as my kids like to say) therapist.

In your opinion, what is/are the misconception and myth by people about clinical sexology?

This is a good question. The most common response I get when I tell people what I'm studying and/or what my profession is, the first thing I get is "So you actually SHOW people how to have sex?". Well, no, I don't. :) Believe it or not, but most people generally know how to have sex. They just need some help navigating some things when they have mental blocks. My job is to help explore those mental blocks and find ways to become more intimate without fears and apprehensions and to enjoy the act fully (this is not a hands on job). Clinical sexology is a great profession and will be a large contribution to our society very soon with the influx of comfortability our culture now has with their sexuality (FINALLY!).

What are the common problems nowadays that makes marriage counseling and sex counseling important?

There are many, many reason people come to see a clinical sexologist and marriage counselor. Some of which include sexual dysfunctions, fantasy life, infidelity, divorce, lack of intimacy, etc. However, the most common reasons people come to see a clinical sexologist and/or marriage counselor are for infidelity, couple enhancement after infidelity, divorce, intimacy problems, and somewaht sexual dysfunctions. This is a very unique specialty in therapy and although you can see a regular mental health counselor for life's problems and relationship problems that may touch on couple enhancement and sexual issues. It is imperative that you seek out someone more specifically certified in these areas. Just as you would see a gynecologist for women issues as opposed to a general physician, you would see a clinical sexologist and marriage counselor for intimacy, sexual dysfunctions, and relationships concerns rather than a psychologist or mental health counselor.

Find out more about Yvonka De Ridder at:




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