The Scarapist - Interview with Jeanne Marie Spicuzza

Seasons & a Muse, Inc. is a seven division entertainment corporation helmed by actress, writer, filmmaker and herbalist Jeanne Marie Spicuzza. They specialize in products and services related to arts, entertainment, and health. Their premiere motion picture, "The Scarapist" (TM) is currently out on demand on various platforms in the U.S., Canada and the U.K., including iTunes, Amazon, Google Play, Hoopla and more. We have conducted an interview with Jeanne Marie Spicuzza.

Who and what inspired you to the founding of your seven division entertainment corporation?

I had recently graduated with degrees in philosophy and psychology. I had been hiking the 100-mile wilderness section of the Appalachian Trail in Maine. I checked to a Best Western, showered, collapsed on the bed and it came to me: Seasons & a Muse - because changes and inspirations create unique communications. Having studied the artes liberales, I thought it appropriate that we would establish seven divisions and a corporate collective that would serve as an incubator. I think Hildegard von Bingen was also an inspiration.

What is your background and strengths/talents?

I knew I was a painter at age two. I began acting, producing plays and performing at age six. I wrote my first play at age ten, when I began studying psychology, and songs at eleven, poetry at fifteen. At nineteen, I began studying philosophy, religions, art history and herbology, and continued acting in films. By twenty-one, I felt a call to make films. After forming Seasons & a Muse, I began working and touring as a performance poet. Shortly thereafter, I began acting, writing and producing film, working my way to features, and finally directing, too.

What is your premiere motion picture about?

"The Scarapist" is the story of a suburban novelist who is seduced into "treatment" by a demented therapist. It's based on a true story of therapist abuse that resulted in lawsuit in Los Angeles.

Where is 'The Scarapist' available?

Great question! After festival and market screenings internationally, and a limited theatrical release in Landmark Theaters, "The Scarapist" became available on VOD on iTunes, Amazon, Amazon UK, Google Play, YouTube, Hoopla and Xbox.

When will your upcoming motion picture, 'Night Rain' be release?

"Night Rain," currently in post-production, is slated for release in fall 2017.

What are your future plans for 'Seasons & a Muse, Inc'?

I would like to see Seasons & a Muse, Inc. produce at least two more motion pictures, "Making Angels" and "Breath of God: The True Story of Hildegard von Bingen." I'd also like it to further develop products like Womanness Skin Care, continue publishing and establish a retreat center in Italy.

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