Today our guest is Mark Fowkes, the director of ART55. A website designed to help artists who can't afford a website of their own, to sell their work. We have conducted an interview with Mark.

How does it help artists?
The idea behind this website is to help artists sell their artwork and to receive all the profit. The aim is for artists to use ART55 as a home for their artwork. Many people can't afford a personal website with checkout options and monthly hosting fees. Artists have turned to social media to showcase their work. If they have their artwork for sale on ART55, they can share the link underneath the image so customers can purchase it immediately.

What makes ART55 different from websites that sell artwork?
No other website is this cheap.£1 to list your work and to have it on the site for 3 years unless sold.No final sale or hidden signing on fees. Other websites charge extra for more photos or to be a 'feature listing', all included at ART55. Other sites try to stop users communicating incase the sale is completed away from their site or commissioned work is arranged.I'm happy for this to take place so the artist gains more.

What are the requirements for artists who wants to sell their work through ART55?
It has to be your artwork OR you have permission to sell that piece of artwork. It does not have to be an original piece, prints are fine. Just make sure this is mentioned in the description. We are open to all artists of all levels.

How many art pieces are already listed on your website?
Currently 73 pieces of art for sale.

How soon will artists be paid if their work is sold?
Immediately via PayPal

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