Best Friend for Christmas

Today our guest is JCV from Shreveport, Louisiana. She moves very often. She grew up in Oklahoma, but lived in upstate New York, Georgia, Italy, South Carolina, New Jersey and Kentucky. She studied English with concentration in technical writing and since college she had a desire to become an author. We have conducted an interview with her.

Why did you write about the relationship between the mother and her son in your book?
The relationship between the mother and son is symbolic of all the single parents in today's modern world. Parents have technology, jobs, responsibilities and children. Even though the convenience of modern life can make things easier with computers, video games, internet, restaurants, museums, stores and attractions, none of that can replace the one on one time spent with parent and child. The Promise and Snow-po stories contain many free activities that can be shared with a child with little or no money. Time spent with any child is an investment into tomorrow’s global world.

What are your key messages via the Snow-po character?
Snow-po is an evolving character. In this story, Best Friend for Christmas, Snow-po is the gift from Santa. Snow-po is a puppy full of innocence and love. The little black and white puppy is the new best friend for Promise who is new to the area and missing his friends back in the city.

The little boy is named Promise, because he is a symbol of all children in our world. All of the adults in today's world should promise each and every child born a childhood free from loneliness, sadness, depression and hate.

Who are your personal favorite writers and authors?
Danielle Steel is my favorite author. I love her stories and how I get swept away into the lives of the characters. My favorite classics are Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte. I read or watch the film every fall. It is my go to fall movie classic just before the holiday season.

I also enjoy Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen. I guess I love a good story where passion exists along with the struggle of overcoming the obstacles of societies prejudices.

What other crafts and creations do you do?
I love to paint. I always have, as a child I did not have many toys and only an hour or two of tv time. What I did have was my school supplies which included crayons and watercolor paints. I would take mine home with me on the weekends so I could color and draw. I enjoy cooking and I am a decent baker. Dinner time can be a hit or miss in my home, so I am not always ever good at it; however, my desserts are very satisfying.

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