Power of Love

Erika Alexandria Garcia is an author from the Historical City of Savannah, Georgia. She writes poetry books of insight; as well as, finance books on how to manifest. We have conducted an interview with her.

Which are your favourite titles of your most recent finance books on how to manifest? Who should read it?
"The Power of Love Vol. 1" is my favorite finance book on how to manifest. Everyone from ages eighteen to sixty-five should read my books.

What kind of challenges did you overcome in publishing your first poetry books of insight?
It was an exciting blissful experience publishing my first poetry book of insight!

Please tell us more about the "Power of Love" series. How many volumes are there?
The Power of Love book series is appealing to my audience because these books are guides to evolving into conscious human beings living an abundant life of bliss through the universal laws giving you the ability to understand how to change your life into all things you desire. Currently; "The Power of Love" book series is on its fourth volume.

How are your writings enabling people to physically change everything in their lives?
These guides give people the experience to take control of their life in may aspects through insight and self-empowerment allowing you to find peace and oneness.

During your younger days, what inspires you to write uplifting positive messages and poetry? What are your motivations?
When I was a child my mother would always gift me books with pretty covers and blank pages; I became enthused to fill each page. Through life experience, I have been able to turn every situation in my life into lyrical poetry. My mother was one of my greatest motivators.

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