Change Your Thoughts, Change Your World

Today we have conducted an interview with Bishop M.B. Jefferson regarding his new book, "Change Your Thoughts, Change Your World".

What do you think essentially takes to make how men and women can begin to think differently and ultimately transform their lives?
It takes the willingness to want to change and to want better outcomes in your personal life.

Why did you write about "Change Your Thoughts, Change Your World"?
I wanted to help people see that there ways to achieve their life goals. I for one had to change and once I changed my whole life and world also changed.

How long did you take to write this book?
Depends on which chapter, some parts took longer than others.

When did the vital insights and practical wisdom in this book start to transform your own life?
Once I saw God’s grace and mercy shining down on me, then I know that I was headed in the right direction and made the right changes.

Who will benefit from this book? Who do you want to reach out to?
I want to reach out to the folks who need empowerment, who need to extra push and reinforcement. I want to help people who are seeking help and to change their worlds.

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