
Indecisive Traveler

Rease Kirchner from St. Louis (Missouri) is a freelancer running a successful travel blog . We have conducted an interview with her. When you quit your good paying job, what were your first thoughts about forgoing the good salary? I knew it seemed irresponsible, but I had always been such a good saver. I had thousands saved up and I knew I could make it for awhile without a job. I just kept telling myself "Money alone doesn't make you successful, you need to be happy too" I wasn't ready to settle at the age of 22. Was there a time after you quit, that you feel insecure as a freelancer? When and how exactly did you overcome it? When I first went freelance, I obsessively checked job listings, handed out business cards, and marketed myself. I got several jobs right when I moved back to the US from Argentina, but I didn't feel like it was enough. After a couple months, I realized that the clients were coming in ju...

The Moose Method

Moose from New York runs a website that contains blogs on Relationship Advice for Men. We have conducted an interview with him: Do you really think women enjoys sex more than men? Why do you think so and how different do you think women are from men in this aspect to show their enjoyment? Women are more into quality as appose to quantity, men tend to want quantity over quality. Men are naturally imprinted to think of sex constantly which drives us to do all sorts of crazy things for sex, this is part of the reason why we have 7 billion people on this planet. Those two factors are important to understand because they can be easily be confused, because you enjoy something more often does not necessary means that you enjoy it more. The reason why I know women enjoy sex more is because they usually tend to make preparations such as removing body hair, fixing their hair, doing their nails and of course putting on sexy lingerie all leading up to th...

Down Home Sound

Chuck Sailer lives in Philadelphia, PA. He is spinning up a new eCommerce site that will cater to the Home, Project, and Commercial Recording Studio consumer. We have conducted an interview with him: How did you get into Recording and Engineering? What is so special about what you do? I have always been fascinated with musicians. Yes, I play various instruments and I am fairly proficient at Guitar, however; I am more of a vocalist. I’m no Gladys Knight or Eddie Van Halen by any stretch of the imagination but I am passable. I grew up in Titusville, FL and all my friends played something. Some were actually quite good, in fact some were down right exceptional. I wasn’t exceptional but what I did have going for me was the love of music coupled with my awe of people who could actually play. How I got into recording is kind of a crazy story. I was about 14 or so. This was the 1970’s I had no idea about multi-tracking or mixers or anything really. I wanted to play g...

Get my Mom a Job

Michele lives in Arizona. She started a company Get My Mom a Job which is a resource for Telecommute positions and is geared towards women who want a career, but still be able to be home with their family. We have conducted a short interview with her: What was the inspiration behind Get My Mom a Job? The inspiration behind Get My Mom a Job is really simple, it is the combination of all the experiences I have had. About 2 years ago, like a lot people, I was figuring out a way where I could help my family financially, and still have the balance and flexibility in life. So I set out to find a work from home job. Have you ever googled "work from home" before? There are millions upon millions of results. Here is the worst part none of them pertained to having a job that you could work from home. I have heard people for years talk about working from their company from their home office, yet I was never able to find any of those positions, where were they?...

Don't Be a Penguin

We are doing an interview with Nish Bey, author of the new book: Don’t be a Penguin: Live life like an Alien . He was kind enough to speak with us today to learn more about him and the book. How did you end up using this title about the contrast of an alien and a penguin? The theme of the book is to become a free thinker and not just follow what everyone else in society is doing. As an analogy, I thought about how penguins all form in a line when they are traveling. This gave me the idea of them one by one walking off an iceberg and being eaten by sharks. Even though they can see the shark and they know they will die if they jump off the iceberg, they have to follow along with what everyone else is doing. That is where I came up with "Don't be a penguin" The analogy behind the alien is that one day a super intelligent smart alien may visit our planet and will observe the actions of our specie. I do not believe they would be to impressed with some of the ...

The Next Galaxy

Ssaint-Jems is a writer from the US. he is the author of The Next Galaxy . This book is related to spirituality and he talks about an encounter with a God. We have conducted a short interview with him: What inspired you to write about "The Next Galaxy"? To explain what 'inspired' me would be difficult, it was a, all-of-a-sudden, kind of occurance, that suddenly captured my soul; I explain this in the begining text of the book, where I say "by a sudden stroke of something that place me there." I was in the process of writing other books, and all of a sudden The Next Galaxy came out of no where. I was influence by greater forces to write this book. Instead of me seeking it, it sought me. How long did you take to write from its conceptualization to the final product? It took about two years, thinking of how to present the otherworldy information TNG contains. What is the most fascinating about trinity? The Trinity is fascinating becau...

Interview with Nelson Cabán

Nelson Cabán is a visual artist based in Hong Kong and New York City. We have conducted an interview with him about his artwork, recent exhibitions: How did you cope with two bases: in New York City and Hong Kong? Is it difficult to shuttle between the two locations? New York and Hong Kong both have their benefits. New York will always maintain a certain caché in the international arts market, although I feel that it is far from its creative peak of the 1980s. Hong Kong is the 3rd largest market for art in the world and its close proximity to mainland China makes it impossible to ignore for an emerging artist. The trip definitely takes a toll, every two months approximately, 16 hour direct flight but these trips allow me the time and the space to come up with ideas for shows and products..or just plain old sleep! Where can we see your recent exhibitions? What is the theme of your recent artwork? My most recent show was at City Hall in Philadelphia and will ...