So you’ve been prescribed glasses. Now what?

Getting your first pair of glasses is quite a personal experience. Some people love having to wear a new accessory, while others will instantly feel more self-conscious. 

Well, if you’ve just been prescribed some specs and are not sure what to expect from here on out, the following article is here to help. It has everything you need to know about the first few days of wearing glasses, how to look after your eyes and how to keep your glasses in perfect condition. 

What to expect when wearing your first pair of glasses

Wearing glasses for the first time can feel quite strange, and it might take time for your eyes to adjust. Within the first few days, you may feel a little dizzy or disorientated while wearing them. Eventually, though, this feeling will subside. However, if the dizziness is unbearable and persists for longer than a week, it might be worth consulting your optician just to check the prescription. 

During the first few weeks, you should aim to wear your glasses – at least for a short while – every day. After that, of course, some people may need to wear them full time, while others might just need help with driving or looking at the computer. Whichever type of prescription you have, making sure to wear them for a little each day will keep the adjustment period short and sweet. 

Experiencing the following symptoms during the first few days is nothing to worry about: 

  • Eye strain or tired eyes
  • Slight dizziness
  • Headaches 
  • Unclear depth perception

How to care for your glasses 

No matter how often you wear your glasses, there’ll still be times when you don’t wear them – such as when you’re in the shower, exercising, or sleeping. As such, you should make sure to properly care for your glasses when they’re not in use, as well as before you wear them. 

Using a lens cleaning spray will keep the glass sparkly clean so that your sight isn’t affected by dust or marks. In addition, our eyelashes can harbor natural oils, which can easily rub off on the inside of lenses when we rub our eyes, laugh or cry. Using a scratch-proof cloth (which is usually provided with your prescription) and a little lens spray will help keep them nice and clean. 

You’ll also need to keep your glasses safe so that you don’t get them scratched or damaged. The best way to do this is to get yourself a glasses case. You might be given one when you buy your first pair, but these are often clunky and boring. At, you can get yourself a nicer case that suits your style. 

How to care for your eyes

When it comes to looking after your eyes, you should make sure to wear your glasses as instructed by your optician. Not wearing them when you’re supposed to will likely cause eye strain and may lead to a bigger prescription. 

You can also look after your eye health by making sure to stay shades from the sun, stay hydrated, and have a healthy diet. You should also try to follow the 20-20-20 rule when you can. 

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