Tips For Getting Started on a New Job

Starting a new job can be scary. Whether you have been in the workforce for decades, or are straight out of college, getting into a new work environment can give you jitters at first. In order to succeed both professionally and socially, you are expected to learn the organization's language, pick up on acceptable behavior, follow the dress code, and ultimately learn the company's culture. Read this article from IQVIA and find out how to get ahead. All this can be a lot without some help. That's why in this article, we are going to give you a few tips on starting a new job.

Learn the Facts

It is fine, and even advisable to ask questions ahead of time. Depending on the company, you can ask your supervisor or the HR representative any questions you might have. Find out everything from the work schedule and hours you're expected to work per week to the salary benefits and any information you require to get on properly get on board.

Check the Company's BYOC or BYOD Policy

Some workplaces have Bring Your Own Computer (BYOC) or Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) policies that include laptops, tablets, and smartphones. Some companies may expect you to use your own device, or give you the option to do so. Some insist on using the company's IP and so, you'll want to ensure you understand these policies.

Figure Out What to Wear

The attire you had during the interview may not be ideal for your position. If you have not been given a dress code, ask what the right attire is for the workplace. Of course, you'll want to have several work outfits ready so that you're not confused or find yourself struggling when starting on a new job position.

Do Not Assume You Know Anything

Staying humble is called for when getting started on a new job. Nobody likes a know it all in the workplace, especially if they are new and don't really know anything about the job position or the company. Take the time to listen and learn before giving your input.

Check the Organization's Social Media Policy

It's imperative to check your new workplace's social media policy. Some organizations do not care when the employees use Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and other social media platforms during working hours, while others do not tolerate it. Ensure you know what's acceptable before you decide to start posting.

Also, take the time to vet your social media profiles. Your new employer or co-workers might want to follow or connect with you on these websites. Ensure that what you have on those pages is consumable by the public. If you want to be careful about who sees what, then check your privacy settings and change them accordingly.

Arrive Early During the Initial Days

One of the best ways to reduce the stress of getting into your new position is doing a trial run before starting the job. Figure out your route and where you are going. Ensure you make the trip a few days prior, to get a feel of how long it takes to get to the office. You should then give yourself a little additional time to cover for traffic and other delays, ensuring you're early or on time on your first day at work.

Be Nice

This goes a long way as well during your initial days. People like nice people, especially in such settings. Keep in mind that individuals at the bottom of the pay scale tend to know more about the ins and outs of the organization than those at the top. That is why it is imperative to be nice to everyone you come across in the workplace.

Build & Nurture Relationships

It can be hard to build relationships, particularly if you are the new kid on the block. It is even harder if you have a hard time meeting new people or do not have an outgoing personality. So, during your first day, try to be friendly, nice and do not be afraid to ask for advice.

Ask For Feedback

Feedback is particularly helpful when getting into a new job position. Ask your recruiter or supervisor how you are doing so far, and whether they can offer any advice.

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