Liis Koger - The magic that my abstract art conveys

Liis Koger, born 23.12.1989, is an Estonian painter and poet. Liis received a degree in Painting, Fine Arts from the University Of Tartu (2013). She minored in Theology and was enrolled in Psychology courses. Three poetry books have been written by her (all in Estonian). She started launching a career as a freelance artist during school time.

What is the 'magic' that your abstract art conveys?

The magic is in the energy. I don't EVER say - that abstract, for example - is something special FOR the invisible; I believe the "magic" is the same whether it is Rembrandt or Rothko! The question, that stays MAGICAL, is, that in my opinion, the MAGIC is INSIDE the painting, and cannot be explained by description, what is ON the painting (that much)... It is really funny because a painting is a really - if not wholly - a visual thing. But being an abstract or a realistic piece does not explain the magic. One cannot just do an abstract piece and say that this is what Tesla talked about :)

What Tesla talked about, can also be on a realistic piece. One has to SEE THROUGH to see -- whatever there is.

If I should say more, I would give it all away. No naked shoots for my pieces. (And also no total explanations possible, as mind, can only see what the person is available to see ... That's why there are so many misunderstandings on the literary base!)

New Pink Ordeal. 2021, acrylics and oil on canvas, 80 x 80 cm. 

Why do you even write about what you think your art is about and for?

Because people want explanations. My art comes first. Without descriptions. The descriptions follow to make it more understandable for the human mind. But I don't think the words help THAT much. The admiration (or neglect) comes after seeing the picture. The words then only assure (or do not help). They just describe with the same poetic mind, they don't actually give explanations. It's poetry that is stepping together with the painting, not an outer look that gives explanations. I do not feel the need to explain anything, but I do am friendly enough to TRY to make my works better understood. In that thinking process, I analyse them more thoroughly, too. But I am NOT giving credits to too much thinking. I want to achieve peace FROM thinking and PASSION from following your intuition. Not some "tell me what your poetry is about". If a person doesn't get it from the piece itself, he or she does not get it from the explanation either...

When I Look Into The Light And It Multiplies. 2021, oil on canvas, 150 x 120 cm

In your perspective as an artist, why are harmony and energy important?

Energy is the life force, without it, we would be dead :) (Of course, IT cannot be dead, because IT only changes shape.) And without harmony, it doesn't flow correctly - that's where illnesses come from. So, obviously, harmony keeps the energy alive (moving in a healthy way) and energy keeps us living. The better all that is functioning, the more satisfaction one's life is providing (satisfaction with life; from being alive itself).

Looking Out From My Beehive. 2021, acrylics on canvas, 150 x 120 cm

How do you feel the first moment when your art is presented in public spaces like The Parliament Of Estonia in Toompea, Tallinn, and The Institute Of Mathematical Statistics in Tartu?

I don't feel anything special. (These are since long ago anyway.) I've seen the artwork for some time by the time it is put up at a public space and being exhibited there does not make it any more special. The latest I was feeling very honoured was when my painting BECOMING ONE was chosen to be shown at Tartu Art Museum at Estonian grand old lady of abstract art, Lola Liivat, retrospective; to show the current state of Estonian abstract art. Because the painting was given so much space and it was such a well organised exhibition.

I can feel a bit proud for it to be taken there, shown, worthy of eyes, but it's just my paintings. Most of my best paintings do not end up at famous places. It has to be an evolved mind and at the same level, to be able to reach in the depths of the mind. One who is all taken by everyday responsibilities might not have the time to dive in.

Liis Koger's BECOMING ONE at Tartu Art Museum

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