Painter Liesbeth Serlie

Liesbeth Serlie, is an artist, born in Leiden, in 1967. From an early age she has been stimulated by the creative in the form of drawing and painting. The art academy has always had her interest and the passion for painting remained. From 2011-2017 she attended Higher Degree in Painting studies at the Arendonk Academy of Fine Arts in Belgium and graduated with honorable mention. Liesbeth has her studio in the stables of her farmhouse. A wonderful space to work on her paintings.

How did you discover your passion in painting? 

As a small child I was already drawing and painting a lot. Dogs were already a source of inspiration for me at that time, and I was following various paintingworkshops, my interest in painting, mainly animals and people, grew. It became my passion.

Did you take art lessons or attend any art academy? 

In 2011-2017 I established a Higher Degree in Painting Studies at the Arendonk Academy of Fine Arts in Belgium and graduated with honorable mention. Subsequently a year of specialization Painting.

What did you find out about your strengths in your artistic talent? 

I have found out that I have to let go of the shape and 'walk' through the whole painting while painting. And by constructing the work flatly using the sketch lines that I use while painting, it becomes a lively painting. And then those beautiful colors, of course, that makes a person completely happy! Doesn't it?

Do you use a special technique or process? 

My work mainly consists of a powerful loose style. I prefer a lot of color in different shades in combination with a drawing-like finish. Currently I mainly work with acrylic paint, which allows me to work faster. For the graphic finish I use chalk and charcoal. I also have a preference for a large format of canvas. That paints fine, it makes me unrestrained and my work more spontaneous. For example, I prefer to make portraits of animals as large as possible.

Do you use a special technique or process? 

“As soon as I am inspired, I want to paint the silver screen as quickly as possible. I put it coarsely with a loose hand, with a brush or a piece of chalk and over time something beautiful develops. That development remains something magical to me. I always find it special how work is created and then makes me feel happy. It is really addictive. While painting I am inspired to make the next painting. Inspiration comes from everyday things, such as magazines, newspapers, nature, but also other painters. Or I see someone in an attitude or with a certain expression. But colors or compositions can just as well inspire me. In a way it is also quite tiring, you are constantly aware of beautiful images.”

What inspires your dog paintings? 

I have warm feelings for dogs and they are great for painting. Say it yourself! There are also so many different breeds, each of which is a challenge for me.

It is very outstanding, how many different breeds of dogs did you paint? 

Last year I started with a series of dogs, now I have painted at least about 15 breeds.

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