Interview with digital artist Israel Benloulou

Israel Benloulou aka IzzyBLL is a digital artist. He takes photography to a new level with software such as Photoshop and other similar photo manipulation software where he takes his imagination and adds life to it which turns into a concept of digital art or better known as Visual art. We have conducted an interview with Israel.

How special do you think is your style combining photography and visual art?

I believe the art of turning a simple photograph or really any image into something completely different is what’s really special about it, as anyone can combine a photography with another but turning that into something you imagine is really the fun and special part of it.

Which genre(s) do you like the most?

Most of my work is surreal and I am a big fan of combining my imagination with a real aspect And this is because surrealism lets me combine real elements but also my imagination in a realistic but fantasy way.

Which is the most challenging task in this flow from concept to physical print in your opinion?

I’d say lighting is a very important factor to any image or concept as a whole since this is what blends a concept into the real world and of course its coloring so mastering those is quite challenging on every image but when you do its nothing but awesome.

Do you follow certain principles/philosophy in your art? What influences you? Whose work do you like/appreciate?

To be honest I’ve never followed any set instructions on creating a concept as every one of them is different but as I said on the previous question, Lighting and color blending is a very important factor that I would go over on any image, besides this I like to have wide range on imagination when working on something because this allows a constant flow of ideas that could always improve what I am already working on.

With regards to what influences me I would have to say real life events, creating what I wish existed. Music always plays a part in some sort of way. Even movies sometimes play a part in this as I am a big fan of the mythological ideas and some video games have a part in the influence of this as well.

How do you imagine the changes in the next 5 years in this digital art field? What would be possible with the advancement of technology and tools?

In the next 5 years I believe digital art will already be a very well accepted form of art in the art community and not seen as just editing on a digital platform as this will and is already being spread into physical prints, designs, everything possible. Currently devices being used besides the known ones are graphic tablets and smart pens which help save time and improve accuracy when working on details.

In the future I see this going into much more developed devices this could even evolve into holographic devices to create these designs and concepts in full range 3d.

The art community is spread into many different fields like fine art all the way to digital art, how is the digital art community different to any other?

The main difference in our digital art community compared to any other art community is that our paint doesn’t dry. Like fine art or traditional art , digital art always starts with your imagination and of course transfers into a sketch either traditional sketch or digital sketch that is then perfected into a final piece of art either by editing, color grading and / or any other form of touches.

How do we find you on social media? And for anyone interested in Digital art how does one join the community?

You’re welcome to follow my instagram For anyone wanting to join the digital art community, a very friendly group called The Revgang on instagram would make you feel very welcome and help you with the path of digital art on social media, Running pages like @Diggin_Art and @Beautifulartvisuals on instagram where you could even have some of your work featured and exposed to a larger audience and potential fans.

Any motivational words for aspiring Digital artists?

There’s really nothing anyone can say to someone for them to succeed unless they themselves have the will to succeed, and if you have this, you’ll be just fine. I would add that also you should not rush on your work and take your time with it until you are happy. Do not let anyone or any factor limit your imagination, Do not do it for the likes, for the shares or any numbers. Do it for the love of what you’re doing and this will reflect in your work.

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