Kris Thorkelson: Questions For The Winnipeg Business Executive

Winnipeg’s Kris Thorkelson began his career in 1991 as a licensed pharmacist. However, he knew he wanted to help people by doing more than simply filling their prescriptions. It was then that Thorkelson opened the Prescription Shop, a chain of pharmacies that ensured he could meet his customers’ needs. He then went on to found Canada Drugs, an online pharmacy that addressed the crisis of high prescription drug costs. While he still works in the pharmaceutical industry, Thorkelson has branched out in his entrepreneurial endeavors, now leading My Place Realty, a Winnipeg-based property management company.

With a strong desire to help people and a knack for spotting trends, Kris Thorkelson is in short a business leader who is constantly taking risks.

You lead a number of businesses that occupy your time and attention. How do you balance these varying responsibilities?

Kris Thorkelson: I always remind myself to trust and empower others at the companies I help lead. No one person can run an entire business by themselves and I wouldn’t want to! When you first start a business, it’s your baby, so you need to commit a lot of time to it but after it’s stable, it’s important to entrust the talents and skills of the team you have built.

Where do you get your ideas for your businesses?

Kris Thorkelson: My number one priority is to address customers’ needs that aren’t being met elsewhere. I try to look for trends and see how the world is evolving. First, find a genuine need that will help people live better lives, then work to build a business that addresses that need in as effective of a way as possible.

Why is supporting charity organizations so important to you?

Kris Thorkelson: Too often we forget how good we have it here in Canada. Many people around the world are not so fortunate. You never know what someone could be capable of if they were given the same opportunities we have here. I also think that you can’t build a truly successful business until you connect with your community.

What advice would you give to young entrepreneurs?

Kris Thorkelson: I would say to embrace change and get ahead of it. There is no point in being fearful of new technologies and other ways in which the world is evolving. Instead, keep your eyes open to trends. Be willing to adapt your business to these changes and jump at the opportunity to meet a new customer need.

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