Interview with singer and songwriter Claudia Saravia

Claudia Saravia is singer and songwriter from Chile. Her artistic name is CIES which is an individual project that mixes Urban/Soul and Electronic sounds into her music. Her lyrics are mainly in Spanish and English but she also uses another languages into it. Her first single was released in 2016 by the name of "The reasons" and it has more Rock/Pop influences. In 2017 she released the single "Different", both in English and Spanish (with a part in French). It is the first single of the debut EP  "La diference" that is going to be released this year. This EP tells stories about experiences and emotions with deep lyrics and experimental sounds. We have conducted an interview with Claudia.

How would you describe the style of your music and songs?

CIES was born as a result of a lot of experiences and many musical influences. CIES is more than just me physically, is my world, my vision of the world, is a girl, a teenager and an adult. CIES is something I can`t touch but exists inside of me like our Spirit. My music is influenced basically by the sounds of Soul but it also has some electronic and pop elements that adds more colors into it.

The purpose I have with my music is to make people feel more in touch with their soul, their experiences and their emotions

What changes was made to your music, who are your musical influences?

I think with time I decided to bring together more knowledge about new and not very well known artists that were making interesting music, Artists like Kimbra, Daley and Emelie Sandé became important in the process of making my music. If I could describe how my music changed with the time I would compare it to a painting that had basic colors before and now has a lot of more pigments.

Artists like Michael Jackson, Stevie Wonder, Tori Amos, The Carpenters, KD Lang and Carole King became not only important but fundamental in my career development.

How unique is your first Single "Different"?

Different is the first single I released of my EP "La Difference" that will be available on 2018. Different has a lot of distinctive elements like Soul, Pop and Electronics. It has not only diverse musical and rhythmic elements but also has three languages (English, Spanish and French) and one of them is included as a poetic part.

"Different" speaks about how "love" changes people for good and the process it carries to “love”. I decided to use a French part, wich is the poem, because French is often related as the idiom of "love".

What inspires you to include different languages in your song releases?

First of all I`m from Chile, so I´m latinamerican. My native language is Spanish but I've always been interested in languages because I always wanted to understand the world through the eyes of other people.

This create a universal code that allows me to speak to anyone.

I want everyone to understand that all languages and dialects are important because we need to be able to hear the words and the thoughts of our brothers and sisters around the world.

This distinctive part of my music has the power of bringing people together, that`s why I consider it as fundamental on my compositions.

Are the songs you have written about your own personal experiences? Which one is the most challenging to produce? How did you overcome the challenges?

Not only my experiences but also my music contain impressions of other people experiences. CIES, as I said before, is a part of me that sees life and lives it.

One of the most challenging songs that I made I think was definitely “Different” because in the time that I was producing it (with my actual producer Daniel Lencina) I was going through a deep transformation not only in the musical part but also personally. I was very tough with myself at that time and I recorded “Different” more tan 20 times because for me it was never good enough.
Thankfully Daniel, my producer, had a lot of patience with this process and he took this situation as an advantage to get better results.

Nowadays I try to enjoy the process of making music and recording it because I`m doing it as form of communication and most of the times there isn't a perfect way to do it. Just do it by the heart.

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