Interview with software engineer Saleh Stevens

Saleh Stevens has a name known to many in the cryptocurrency and Blockchain engineering industry as he has been one of the leading lights in this sector for many years. Saleh Stevens is one of the first investors in Bitcoin and the other cryptocurrency technologies since their development as early as 2009. Stevens discusses, in his blogs his interest in Blockchain software technology and upcoming technological developments. After graduating with a degree in Computer Studies, Saleh Stevens made a series of investments with varied results and now uses his voice as an experienced investor to help others. He helps them build a portfolio while avoiding the pitfalls he discovered over the course of his career.

How did you get involved in cryptocurrency?

As a software engineer, I am always looking at the different ways technology can play a role in the changing world and make our lives simpler in an economical way. When I started investing, I was looking for the best new areas to invest in before any option became too popular to be profitable. In 2009, when I heard about the development of Bitcoin and Blockchain by Satoshi Nakamoto, I knew it was an area I had to research and dip my feet into as an investor.

How did your education and early career prepare you for cryptocurrency investing?

At school, I loved science and math which gave me the perfect grounding to head to college and develop my skills in computer studies. I worked as a software engineer for a collections company, which were horrendous in terms of inspiring me to work to my maximum output. However, this experience made me understand that I needed to head out and work for myself as an investor and entrepreneur.

Are you solely involved in cryptocurrency investments?

No, I like to think I can look at any investment opportunity and understand it regarding the potential for a positive return for the future. Investing is a part of my career which developed over time, and I believe technology will continue to expand until the majority of our financial transactions are completed Online using cryptocurrency without the need for currency exchanges and border crossing problems. Any technology-based investment usually interests me and peaks my interest to an extent which allows me to feel secure in the knowledge I have successfully completed my work.

How important do you believe blogging to be in your career?

Blogging has grown in importance for me as initially; I wanted to correct many of the wrongs that were being spoken about cryptocurrency investing. Feedback from my readers to become more about the development of Blockchain technology. Investing in those companies looking to explore Blockchain in the future is one of the most critical decisions any technology-minded investor can do with any news I can bring to my readers of the highest importance, in my opinion.

How do you keep yourself motivated?

Motivation is never a problem as I do believe in both cryptocurrency and Blockchain technology which is something I have rarely said about investment sectors in the past. Every day there seems to be a new area of interest for me regarding cryptocurrency technology development. For example, the recent announcement of currencies tied into well-known sports stars and celebrities. These images were launched under the personality of the former Liverpool and Real Madrid soccer player, Michael Owen.

Which business leaders inspire you?

One of my most significant influence in the business world is the English business leader, Sir Richard Branson. The fact the Virgin group takes in so many different aspects of the business world is always impressive. Furthermore, I love the personal outlook of Sir Richard as he never seems to be fazed by issues his brand may face.

How do you prepare for a day of business?

I wake up each morning and spend a check my phone for messages and alerts about certain investments, contracts, and business opportunities before I spend a short period without any electronics. Despite being a technology investor, I feel it is essential to focus the mind on the matters at hand with a little quiet contemplation. I do the same at night before going to bed to make sure my mind is relaxed and prepared to switch off before sleeping.

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