Interview with Marie-Antoinette Tichler, CEO and Founder of C2Legacy

Over the last year, the cryptocurrency industry as grown drastically. As more and more people begin to invest in cryptocurrency, it begs the question as to what happens to one’s cryptocurrency should they pass away. Most other assets would be specified in a traditional will, however, this is not the case for cryptocurrency. Marie-Antoinette Tichler, Founder and CEO of C2Legacy, aims to change this.

C2Legacy is a cryptocurrency estate management platform that utilizes blockchain technology. The product is the brainchild of Marie-Antoinette Tichler. After a tragic family event, Marie-Antoinette realized the need for such a platform and used her technology education background to develop this platform. Recently we sat down with Marie-Antoinette Tichler to discuss her platform and all things related to crypto.

How did your technology education background influence your decision to create C2Legacy?

I have a degree in Healthcare Management, Graduate Certificate in Social Media Development & Planning, and I’m a Certified Mobile Marketer. My collegiate and accredited studies guided my belief that we accumulate digitized wealth. The digital nature of cryptocurrency and my past experiences confirmed my understanding that there is a need to protect digital assets. These things combined influenced my decision to create C2Legacy.

If someone were interested in setting up their crypto estate, how would they do so with your platform?

It’s actually quite simple. Sign in and get verified on the platform. Fill out personal profile. Input beneficiaries’. Add digital assets. Attach heirs to digital assets. Decide inheritance percentage. Save contract.

How do you see cryptocurrency changing the current financial landscape?

I believe that cryptocurrency’s transparent quality will be one of the major factors in changing the current financial landscape. A simple example is in the future, citizens in a country will be able to track where the government is spending money. I’m excited to see the new crypto financial landscape.

Outside of cryptocurrency, what are some of your favorite hobbies or activities?

I enjoy travelling anywhere where there’s a beach and above eighty degrees. I love to laugh, read, listen to music, dance, videography, cook, host parties, and travel to tropical places…just can’t say that enough!

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