Amir edit's an amazing array

“Being an editor must be tough. You do the same thing over and over and you’re always by yourself.” Amir Heshmati smirks a little when he hears this statement; it’s one that he has heard many times before. Part of his amusement is based on hearing it so many times and the other part is because this misconception could not be further from the truth. In fact, Amir admits that his job is so diverse and offers so many interesting topics to work with that it’s the antithesis of mundane. Those not involved in the Heshmati’s world may not be aware that an editor is so vital to the tone of a production that this person is symbiotic to the director. While this diversity is ample for film and television, Amir has expanded his own career by taking part in an eclectic set of professional situations. His adventurous side is evidenced by his work at the forefront of new techniques (for example, his work with digital based cosmetic company NYX and as one of the first editors ever to work with the Red Epic prototype cameras). In truth, being an editor has given Heshmati the type of excitement that most people will never experience.

Due to Amir’s expansive work in films, he is often enlisted to bring a cinematic tone to productions which blur the lines. There’s a great deal of covert marketing these days and it takes a light touch to do so with subtlety. Heshmati served as editor on LOKI LTD’s One Hyde Park, a documentary about the reportedly most expensive residential building in the world. The production was a presentation of historical content but also served to market the sale of these apartments to extremely wealthy buyers, with great success.

The world of gaming generates as much as film these days. Rather than hindering, the popularity of video games has created a vast amount of work for composers, voice-over actors, and those behind the scenes like Amir. It offers an opportunity to be exposed to some of the groundbreaking new advances and the latest wares. When Sony PSP released its Augmented Reality games, it was up to Amir and the other members of the production team to communicate what the experience felt like before the general public had any concept. When Disney released a series of videos to give insight into the different aspects of their Pure ATV racing game, Heshmati was the person piecing the footage together in a cohesive and exciting manner.

As if the latest video game technology wasn’t enough to keep one feeling like a teenager, Amir worked with director Greg Williams to create a video to celebrate and support Kate Beckinsale being given the title “Sexiest Woman Alive” for Esquire magazine (this video has more than 1.6 million views on YouTube). Bionic Woman, depicting French Celebrity Zahia Dehar’s unique fashion sense, communicates a similar charm. Heshmati also worked with Williams on videos for Esquire that featured model Daisy Lowe (receiving more than six million views) and Oscar-winner Rachel Weiszz. Not restricted to prominent and attractive women, Amir also edited a promotional video for GQ to supplement their Robert Downey Jr. cover story.

When Amir hears that too common comment about how editing must be something that causes one to suffer from repetition, he thinks of his work on the film Sergeant Slaughter, My Big Brother starring Tom Hardy, or some of the most beautiful models and actresses in the world dancing around in front of him, or even VR video games, or Mizuno golf club ads which he has worked on, but he almost never mentions them. Part of the satisfaction is keeping the excitement to himself.

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